Sunday Worship Times:
9:30 AM  & 11:00 AM
On Campus and Online (YouTube & Facebook)
  Palms West Presbyterian Church
Welcome to Palms West Presbyterian Church!

We are so glad that you have made a connection with Palms West Presbyterian Church! Whether you've been to our campus or just happened upon us online, we are glad to introduce ourselves. We have been worshipping and serving Western Palm Beach Communities for 25 years. There are many opportunities for grow, connect and serve as a part of this community. We hope to help you find a way to participate in each. 

Throughout this website, you'll find information about many chances for you to get involved in the life of this congregation. We're not a perfect community, but we believe that we can be more perfect together. We hope that you will come alongside us to help with that. No matter who you are or what your background is, we are committed to helping you find your place here at Palms West Presbyterian Church.

First Visit

We're excited you have decided to visit us! We pray that you will find the worship meaningful and the people friendly. When you enter campus we have lots of parking on the west side of campus with additional parking north of campus (click here for our Campus Map). While you are welcome to enter through any of the doors, the main entrance doors are on the East side of the building, opposite side of the building as the parking lot. This is the best place to enter for worship on Sunday morning. 

When you enter, a greeter will be positioned near the doors to welcome you and help you find your way.There will be an information table on the patio outside our main north entrance that will provide you with lots of great information about what is happening at Palms West Presbyterian Church. Also be sure to stop by our Welcome table, we have a little something to thank you for visiting us.

Sunday Worship

Worship is the center of our life as a congregation and we welcome all to join us.  Children are especially welcome in worship with us, but we recognize that some parents or children need another option.  For that reason, we offer nursery care for children 0-4 years old and Sunday School for children in Pre-K through fifth grade during our 11 am worship service.

All our worship services are led by Pastor Ruffin Stepp. Our Sunday morning worship opportunities are as follows: 

9:00 AM - a Traditional worship service that includes:

  • Hymns and Scripture 
  • Communion on the first Sunday of each month 

11:00 AM - a Contemporary worship service that includes: 

  • Praise and worship music led by our PWPC Praise Team
  • Sunday School  for children Pre-K through 5th grade 
  • Communion on the first Sunday of each month