Kick-off event: Sunday, September 12 during Sunday morning worship.
September 12th marks the launch of an 8-week Bible Study and small group emphasis based on the life of Christ. We will use episodes from the television series The Chosen, to focus our attention and stimulate our discussion. We’ve designed this study to be as flexible as possible during these days of pandemic craziness, and every member and friend of PWPC is welcome to be a part.
The Chosen is a FREE smart phone app for your phone or tablet so you can watch whenever you’d like. You can even cast it to your smart TV(YouTube) if you can figure that out. We’ll also explain how during our Kick-off on Sunday, September 12th. That day we will introduce the series, explain all the particulars, sell DVDs of the entire series, and distribute study guides for individual or small group use. We will also make available a limited supply of a 40-day devotional book ($15).
Then each Tuesday at 10:00am and 7pm we will show episodes of The Chosen in the worship center followed by a brief time of discussion.
Anyone willing to host a discussion in their home for a group from two to ten people should email the church office at or text Pastor Ruf at 561-601-7122. It’s simply a matter of showing the video, then walking through the discussion questions provided. No other orientation or commitment necessary.